Advancing with ColdWar Coasts - a military heritage event in Lahemaa planned for summer

Things have been advancing on the front of the Cold War Coasts project, despite a very sedentary spring term filled first and foremost with Zoom-teaching, Zoom-meetings and E-mailing on my back veranda. We have managed to establish a very exciting collaboration with Ave Paulus from the Estonian Environmental Board, with whom I also work together in Estonian ICOMOS and had a lively exchange about including some polar heritage to the ICOMOS’ contribution to the United Nations Special Rapporteur report on “Cultural Rights and Climate Change”, prepared by three ICOMOS Working Groups: the Climate Change and Heritage Working Group (CCHWG), the Our Common Dignity Initiative – Rights Based Approaches Working Group (OCDI-RBA WG), and the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDGWG). It is exciting when collaboration works out on several fronts at the same time - with ColdWarCoasts we are aiming at a longer collaboration on gathering oral histories of living with military bases. Her long-term collaboration with local communities is indispensable for gaining trust of all these people who have many memories to share.

Read closer about the event we are organising in Lahemaa in July here: