BALTEHUMS cancelled

Sad news but nothing we can do about it: today we notified all our participants that the  Second Baltic Conference on the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences (BALTEHUMS II) that we had postponed to October 1-2, 2020 due to the pandemic, will definitely be cancelled.

COVID cases are going up, university and travel restrictions getting worse by day. More than half of the participants would not be able to get there and BALTEHUMS is a networking event, so online version would not really do. I am pretty sure I am not the only one suffering from Zoom fatigue.

We have also decided not to postpone for 2021. It is already packed with conferences, one for every week! And there is no real guarantee that something will be better by that time. Instead, we are hoping to hold BALTEHUMS II in 2022. Long time to go…. Meanwhile, we hope to have a BALTEHUMS social event in ESEH program and perhaps some other smaller events along the way, digital or not. KAJAK Facebook page keeps publishing regional updates about the events we hear about.

And I was so much hoping to see Kaunas and the amazing water reserve.