Environmental History Today on air again

During the season 2023-2025 I have the honour to serve as the Chair for the Council of Regional Representatives for the European Society of Environmental History (ESEH) and during this period, the CRR will be hosting the Environmental History Today seminar series. Each month, one region will be discussing what is going on in their environmental history - with book launches, presentations, round tables and whatever format the regions consider important. The seminar series is currently chaired by myself representing the Baltic States, Anna Olenenko from Ukraine and Nina Vieira from Portugal.

Today, the series has kicked off with the book launch by Viktor Pál, Tuomas Räsänen and Mikku Saikku. the next in line will be my very own Baltic region with a presentation by Karl Hein on Animal Rights in Interwar Estonia.

Environmental History Today seminar series on the ESEH web page